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The System is Your Business

A few years ago, I wrote the following blog on systems. I am re-printing it as it is even more relevant now, in 2024. Without systems, there is no consistency, no duplication, and no training. The customers get different results from different people and at various...

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The Balanced Scorecard **

To fly a large jetliner a pilot needs more than 3-4 indicators to get you safely to your destination… You are about to board a flight. It is a large Boeing 747. You glance inside the cockpit. (Okay, okay, imagine it is pre-9/11). You see the pilot has taped over all...

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Soft Skills Equal Hard Results

These are tough times for small and medium sized businesses… People have less cash to spend (more money is going to cover basics like food, fuel, and mortgage payments). Credit for small businesses is either not available or unaffordable with exploding interest rates....

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