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Timing of These 3 Things Impacts Your Cash-Flow

Last week I wrote about the early yardage predictor of cash-flow. Do you remember? It is the estimated dollar figure of what is in your sales pipeline. And there is the timing aspect. This is the time it takes from connecting with a prospect to closing a sale. This...

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What Impacts Your Cash-Flow More Than Anything?

Timing. And timing has two aspects to it. The first is the timing of the prospects in your pipeline. What is the best early indicator of your cash? The value of the interested prospects in your sales pipeline. I will show you how to get that figure. Firstly, we will...

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3 Reasons to Stop Writing Cheques

When was the last time you wrote a cheque? For me, I cannot remember. I have an ancient box of business cheques somewhere in my office, collecting mold. They are so old that the address is incorrect. Think of it, dear reader, it is Covid 19 times. You are a mid-sized...

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The One Permanent Thing in Your Business

Why do we start a business? To make money? Is that it? Is that ALL there is? Could there more to it than that? Make new friendships? Have fun? That sounds a little more “user-friendly”! Go a bit deeper and look. Do we want a legacy? Yes? If so, how do we do that? And...

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