Technology is awesome. I love it…
Our business could not function without it because we are a remote, online business.
We use a dozen or more cloud apps to manage our clients’ finances and our own Team.
Technology, specifically cloud-based software has revolutionized our productivity.
Our clients do not print, sign nor mail cheques. It is all online, done with mouse clicks. (It is also more secure than physical cheques).
Now for the kicker…
Anything, as you all know, that has a light side, has a dark side.
The dark side of technology is that thing stuck to your hand, in your pocket, in your car, next to your computer, on the dining table…your obliquitous cell phone.
You Become The Sum Total of These Five People
There is a saying that claims you become the sum total of the 5 people you hang out with most.
Here is a variation of that one: “May you be covered in the dust of your rabbi.”
The challenge is this – most of us spend more time online reading stuff that is not what I would call high level thinking.
Most of us do not want to be covered with the dust of the people we meet on social media.
The distractions of the cell phone, social media, and the website itself can take us away from productive work.
What is the solution?
Media Fasting
Take extended breaks away from social media, messaging, and internet surfing.
As I have mentioned in these Blogs before, I use an app called Freedom. Great name, isn’t it?
With Freedom, you can set it to block websites that you may be addicted to.
Yes, addicted.
To find out if you are actually addicted, think of your favorite dessert.
Let us say it is chocolate brownies with vanilla ice cream.
Would you rather give up 1 week of social media, including the internet, or one month of your favorite dessert.
I bet most would choose the dessert!
I use Freedom to block certain news sites that I have a habit of going to throughout the day. The app blocks them on all my laptops and my cell phone.
I use it to block messaging (WhatsApp and Telegram) form 9pm to 7am daily.
I turn my phone off before bed.
Increased Productivity
All this extra time you have claimed can now be used to grow your business. To focus for at least two 90-minute blocks per day, with zero distractions.
All this messaging and internet scrolling is destroying our ability to sustain focused attention on ONE thing.
To test this, try reading a classic novel for 90 minutes straight.
Hard, right?
Two Articles from Freedom to Help You Out
Please check out these two short blogs from Freedom to explore this theme more:
Digital Fasting is The New Detox
Thanks for reading…