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How to Be Safe in The Cloud

Two weeks ago, I wrote about all the stunning, very cool software available for small businesses. Amazingly, these software programs can be used for small businesses up to $100 million in sales volume. However, some people have concerns going fully into the cloud. In...

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Two Things to Focus on for Remote Workers

Man ‘o man, I love it when big companies get it right. As in mega-companies. Think “380,000 employees mega”. Who is the mega-company that just got it right? Siemens. And what exactly did they get right? Two crucially important things “managing” remote workers (I hate...

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The Environmental Benefits of Remote Working

This pandemic has forced a lot of people to work from home…but…wait…why…is…this…happening… I took an in-depth look at recruitment ads over the last few weeks. There are a lot of companies looking for Controllers, Senior Accountants, and bookkeepers. The shocking thing...

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How Do You Choose What to Measure?

We have all heard the saying, “what you can measure, you can manage?”. It is over-used to the point of being cliché… Yet, it is true. The challenge is – what to measure? Start with this – focus on the activities that produce results. There are two things we must...

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